The 3 Rs of Summer

We've all been through collective trauma these past 15 months. As teachers, we have been put to the test: overworked, overwhelmed, faced with constant uncertainty, changing schedules, long hours and trying to balance home and school responsibilities. My pastor at church gave a sermon a few weeks ago called The 3 Rs. We're teachers; we've all heard of the 3 Rs: Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic.  But these 3 Rs were different: he ordered us to Rest, Recharge, and Rekindle this summer.  I've adapted it a little here; thanks, Pastor Michael!

We need to rest well this summer. I don't know about you, but when school ended in June, I spent the first week on the couch. I couldn't move, think, or even read. I just needed time to decompress. Now that the world is opening up, it is tempting to fill our calendars (I'm guilty of this!) but beware of too many activities! Make physical rest a priority. 

Summer is the time to recharge emotionally. Take time to reflect on what fills your cup. What makes you happy? Be intentional and make time for what brings you joy. For me, it is spending time with my family, friends & dog, Lucy. It is hiking in nature, sitting on the beach and reading. Plan a trip! Get a massage! Go for a mani/pedi! 
Here are a few of the books I've read so far this summer. I read physical books, Kindle and audiobooks. What titles do you recommend?

The third R is to rekindle your passion for teaching! I questioned myself more than once, during the last year. Yet, I stretched myself, got out of my comfort zone and learned a lot as a teacher during this pandemic. Now that we've had a few weeks to settle, I am SO excited about Whole-Teacher EclecticCon,  July 19 -23! 🎉

Last summer's virtual conference was pretty epic, and we’re getting ready to repeat the awesomeness with all new sessions and panels designed with the whole-teacher in mind. There really is something for everyone at this virtual conference.

Summary of awesomeness to expect:
🍎 60+ sessions, panels, and interviews from 40+ passionate educators
🍎 30+ hours of video sessions
🍎 LIVE special presentations & panels each day (replays available)
🍎 $3000+ in freebies, raffles, & giveaways
🍎 Private, pop-up conference Facebook group to interact with presenters and teachers around the world
🍎 Access to all content for a full year, so you can take things at your own pace
🍎 Options for PD credits (see site FAQ for details)

Click through for all the details HERE & grab the conference at a glance doc to see sessions by grade-level. Be sure to tell all your friends & colleagues; you don't want to miss this. . . these sessions will rekindle your love for teaching!

Happy summer, everyone!

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