Tried & True Bookmaking: Poof Book

There's nothing like making a book to get students excited! They oooh and aaah, as if it is magic! This blog post is the first in a series: Tried and True Bookmaking. Each book is low-prep and simple for students to make. Today's book is called a Poof Book. (You're going to be awed by the catchy titles of the books in this series; lol)
A Poof Book requires only one sheet of paper. For some reason, kids LOVE mini books. Once you have taught them how to make this book, you'll have parents start to comment that their kids are using all their printer paper to make books at home! Watch the short video below to learn how to make this simple book.
How to use a poof book? Pretty much everything! Students love making these as mini-vocabulary books with the word, definition and a small illustration. They are non-intimidating as "How to" books. Poof books are great to use for note taking or writing short poems or writing riddles. Kids love slipping these mini books into their pocket (or into their lunchbox). Sometimes I have students use them as a quick write or mini gratitude journal. So many uses! And if it's in an astrobright color, then they're even better! Give it a try & let me know how you used them in your classroom! Check back next Sunday for the next book in the Tried & True Bookmaking series!
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  1. Dear teaching twin from across the miles and years, I love this post! Of course we made these books for years, but called them teeny tiny books. We used them as you suggest, but also for field trip notetaking and for book discussions. I had never heard them called Poof Books, but love that name! I can't wait to hear what else you have in store for this series!

    1. Of course you made these book! I like "teeny tiny" books better :) Another friend calls them "squish" books because you squish it together after you cut. Love the idea for field trip notetaking; fits right in a pocket!

  2. This is such an awesome idea. We made Egyptian Newspapers, wrote plays, poems that were published in a book with poetry from children all over the country, but nothing like your poof books. I can see why your kiddos love this activity. Loads of fun and learning for them.

    1. How awesome, Deann!! Publishing student work gives it a "real" audience that motivates kids! I'd love to have seen your Egyptian newspapers!

  3. Great video! I'm looking forward to the rest of your bookmaking series!

    1. Thanks, Susan! I love bookmaking & every students loves it, too!

  4. I love the name poof books! I also agree that kids will take better care of it since it's in the form of a book. I am excited for the next book in your series!

    1. Thanks, Sally! The "poof" makes it seem like magic to the kids :)
