Reading in the Wild: Wild Readers Make Plans

I'm linking up again with Catherine at The Brown Bag Teacher for our summer book study, Reading in the Wild by Donalyn Miller. (If you haven't read her first book, The Book Whisperer, it's a must-read!) This week we're focusing on Chapter 4, Wild Readers Have Reading Plans.
Although I always have a stack of books on hand to read (in every room of my house!!), as do my daughters & husband, I hadn’t thought much about having my STUDENTS plan their own reading. This year I’m going to have my students actively PLAN their reading!! I’m so excited to set up areas for sharing (both verbally, as well as posted bulletin board space)
To learn more about my students as readers, we (me included) will all take the Wild Reader Survey. As I was revising my old beginning of the year survey with Ms. Miller’s sample, I was surprised (& impressed) with the questions she asked. My goal is to get my students to the level where sharing and anticipating books is a given! You can download a copy of my Wild Reader Survey here.
Having students keep track of their reading without it becoming too cumbersome has always been a chore! Catherine at The Brown Bag Teacher has some fantastic materials for reader recording & reflection! In the past, I’ve had my students keep an “I’d Rather Read” weekly log as an ongoing homework assignment. Click here to download a copy. 

Although it worked with quite a few classes, I abandoned the form a few years ago since my current students did not seem to keep up or buy in to it. (It definitely was not fostering a LOVE for reading!) This year, my students will be keeping a reading log (spiral notebook) that allows for reflection and discussion and their plan: a running list of books to read. They’ll glue instructions for the log on the inside front cover. You can get a copy here
How will your students make a reading plan this year? I'd love to hear from you!

1 comment

  1. I love this! I'm too exhausted to think of something like this for 2nd grade! I was at school for 9 hours and now I feel blah. Oh man, I hope not getting sick! Heehee
